Monday, May 25, 2015

S&B - Final 3?

    The 27th episode of Big Brother Canada Season 3 begins after both Pilar and Zach have been evicted in last weeks double eviction. After losing her two best friends and alliance members, this leaves Ashleigh completely alone in the Big Brother house. Will her wits and beauty be enough to save her this week? Only time will tell. Despite Ashleigh being all alone, Godfrey seems to still have a few options available. Although Brittnee has gone out of her way to save him on more than one occasion this season, Godfrey does not seem to feel as though he owes her anything, as he continues to work with both sides of the house.
    Going into the Head of Household competition, everyone knows it's crucial this week. Even Godfrey admits that he needs to win, and that he's finally done throwing competitions. The competition consisted of a series of quotes being played to the house guests. Each quote had been voice altered, so you could not tell who was speaking solely on their voice. The objective of the competition was to correctly match as many quotes as possible with the correct house quest who said those words. Ashleigh began to get frustrated as she slowly fell out of the competition, trailing 3 points behind as it became a fight between Sarah and Godfrey for the win. In the end, after correctly matching each quote thrown their way, Sarah pulled out on top, securing her spot in final three.
    As the show continues, Godfrey and Ashleigh pull together to try to convince Sarah to nominate her best friend, and closest ally, Brittnee for eviction. They make good points, stating that “Queen B” has made several power moves while being in the Big Brother house, and none of them will win against her. Kudos to them for trying, but despite their efforts, Sarah was not about to turn her back on her best friend.

    Excited for a little bit of a break from the game, house guests freak out as Gary Levy entered the house for the Big Brother awards, joined by Ika from season 2. Gary and Ika gave the house guests complete make overs, including fancy evening wear, new hair styling for the ladies, and even a shaving for Godfrey. Big Brother played clips of each nominee in four separate categories before announcing the winner of each award. Up for Best BBTV Skills were Sarah's stand up comedy act, and “Tres B's” Brittnee, Bruno, and Bobby's dance routine. House guests loved each clip, but Canada voted Sarah's stand up the winner. Canada also voted for Godfrey telling Zach during his POV ceremony “I want your blood on these hands” as their favourite “Godfrey Speech”, and Sarah and Bruno's epic fight the night of the triple eviction as their favourite “Battle of the Words”. Which leaves the last award of the evening for “Best Make-Out Session” up for grabs between Kevin and Pilar's kissing in the rain, and Sarah and Willow's kissing in the pantry. House guests were in awe of the romantic moment Kevin and Pilar shared outside in the rain, and were shocked at the passionate moment between Sarah and Willow. Canada voted, and Kevin and Pilar took the win. Really, how could they not? I think all of Canada is routing for those two to continue their romance outside the house. After all, Kevin did state “this started out as a crush, but now it's becoming more”, and now that the two are reunited in jury, who knows where their relationship will head?

    Desperate to stay in the house, Ashleigh goes to Brittnee to try to convince her to save her this week. She states that the jury likely credits all the power moves to Sarah, thinking she is the mastermind this season, and that B will not win against her in final two. I have to give props to Ashleigh, she's fighting hard to stay in this house. During their talk, Sarah, Brittnee, and Ashleigh all come to a shocking realization. While each of them have at least one enemy in jury who is guaranteed not to vote for them to win this game, Godfrey does not have a single enemy. The girls begin to worry over this sudden realization, stressing over the fact that Godfrey has had an incredible social game, and could very well win over every jury member if he makes final two.
    Despite their efforts, Sarah refused to turn her back on B, as she nominates Ashleigh and Godfrey for eviction this week. She ended the nomination ceremony by using Godfrey's own words against him, stating “you never put your closest ally on the block.”

    Now that nominations have been made, and her ally is in power, Brittnee seems to think she has it made for final two. But as we all know, this week is crucial and it all comes down to the final power of veto competition. Whomever wins the final POV, becomes the sole decider on who is evicted from the house this week, and who they will be battling it out with in the final three for the final HOH and a spot in final two. It all comes down to this, Canada! Who wants it more?  

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