Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Fast Track to Finale" - Special Eviction!

    In a surprise eviction episode of Big Brother Canada, house guests begin to panic as Arisa appears on screen announcing another member will be joining jury within the hour. With the season finale just two days away, we're on a time crunch which means special evictions are bound to happen. Still, this rattled the house guests and caused everyone to begin campaigning to stay in the house. No one campaigned as much as Godfrey, as he continued to play both sides of the house, talking to all three girls about why they should keep him in the house if they were to win the Power of Veto.

    In the final POV competition of the season, “Fast Track to Finale”, house guests competed alone in the back yard to try to have the fastest time. They were challenged to match events in the house, to the proper day those events happened. After figuring out which event belonged to which day, they then had to find the correct number on one of two trains, and rebuild a city with the blocks based on the position of the number on the train. Most house guests had issues remembering certain events, which is bound to happen after spending so many days in the Big Brother house. However, no one struggled as much as “Queen B”, Brittnee Blair. After an hour and a half in the competition, struggling to match these days and events, Brittnee made the decision to quit and forfeit her chance at the POV.
     Despite people giving Pilar hell for quitting competitions, fans do not seem to be giving B the same judgement that was given to her. In fact, it almost seems people are finally cutting Pilar some slack. We later see B and Sarah in the HOH room, where B confesses she is disappointed in herself for dropping out of the POV competition, but realized she'd been out there far longer than every body else, and knew she had no shot at winning. Perhaps people are beginning to realize Pilar felt the same way. When you're waiting in the HOH room for the others to finish before your turn, you have a pretty good idea at how long they've taken, therefore know if your time is significantly longer.
    After lots of frustration, Ashleigh won the Power of Veto, gaining the ability to pull herself off the block for the third time in a row. All house guests knew Ashleigh was going to use the veto on herself, so it became a battle between Godfrey and Brittnee trying to get her on their side, so she would keep them in the house. B even went as far as to tell Ash that if she were to win the final HOH, she would take her to the final two over Sarah. Despite their efforts, Ash did what everyone figured she would by removing herself from the block and choosing to evict Brittnee from the house. This move leaves some fans to question her game play, considering Zach told her she needed to get B out before he left the house.
     Fans still seem to be focused on Ash playing Zach's game, but the truth of the matter is Ashleigh has been playing her own game since he left. She's not the only person in history to shelter behind a showmance in order to further herself in the game. The week Zach was evicted, and the two weeks since, Ashleigh has won 3 consecutive POV's, removing herself from the block three weeks in a row. In my opinion, that's extremely impressive and Ashleigh 100% deserves to be in the final three. Honestly? I'm routing for her to win at this point in the game.

    Before the episode ends, Arisa appeared on screen once again, sending more panic through the house. She announced one final surprise before the finale, stating that if the houseguests have been doing the math, they'll realize their are ten jury members this season. Since the final vote can not end in a tie, it is now up to the three remaining house guests to choose one member to evict from the jury house, meaning they will not have a chance to vote for the winner of BBCAN3. The house guests were then sent to the vault and told they were to remain there until they came to a unanimous decision.
    As the episode ended, we see the three of them arguing over who to evict. They each chose two they did not want evicted, which upset Godfrey as he realized he did not have any votes guaranteed. Ashleigh and Sarah began to gang up on him saying it is not their fault he did not make any alliances this season. If this continues, Ash and Sarah may just team up against Godfrey and take each other final two. All of this is just speculation based on what has been happening, but we will all find out for sure what will happen Wednesday night at the two hour season finale!  

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