Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Premiere Part 1 - BB17

    We meet the first eight houseguests in part one of the two night premiere of Big Brother 17. Connections immediately start to form as the first eight are introduced and enter the house. Austin AKA “Judas”, or as some fans refer to him “Hairy Dan”, immediately told his fellow houseguests he is a professional wrestler. Not really much of a surprise, considering his obvious size. Audrey however, shocked houseguests as she openly admits to being transgendered.
    Shelli and Clay seemed to immediately be attracted to each other, despite the obvious age difference between them. How could this potential showmance shake up the house, and how could it affect their personal games? Time will tell. Shelli wasn't the only one to become attracted to Clay within seconds. In fact, it seems almost everyone in the house drew a liking to this cowboy as he shared his story during their first introductions. Seems he may have an incredible social game if his charm withholds.
    Audrey took charge the first day in the house, as she gathered with Sherri and Da'Vonne to from the first alliance of the season, stating she wants the girls to do well this year. If there's anything we know from past seasons, it's that all female alliances don't have the greatest track record in the history of this game. Although, Sarah and Brittnee beat the odds recently in BBCAN, maybe these three will be able to do the same. Despite the quick alliance, we can already spot a few cracks making their way through the group. As questions arise around Audrey's transformation, Da'Vonne doesn't seem to be buying everything she's selling. Although she believes Audrey is adding some salt and pepper to spice her story up, she agrees that other houseguests hanging onto every word is great for their alliance and social game; but will Da'Vonne be able to trust her, if she already thinks she's lying?

    Houseguests panicked as Julie Chen appears on the big screen, calling all houseguests into the living room for the first twist of the season. Once all are gathered, Julie announces that a “fan favourite” will return this season, the Battle of the Block. Although most fans definitely disagree that this is a favourite, it will serve to cause chaos in the Big Brother house for the second year in a row. For those unfamiliar, the Battle of the Block means two houseguests will be crowned as Head of Household each week. Each HOH must nominate two houseguests for eviction, meaning a total of four houseguests will be nominated each and every week. From there, the nominees go into battle.        The winners, will dethrown their nominater, and save themselves from eviction. This means for the second time, a houseguest could go from HOH to evicted, all in one week.
Seven of the first eight houseguests competed in the first HOH competition of the season, to determine the first of two HOHs. Julie told them they were to determine which would not be competing, when Da'Vonne offered to sit out of this competition. From there, the HG's competed in a competition titled “Flying Tomatoes”. This competition, consisted of the seven houseguests balancing on a moving platform, where Big Brother was to throw “tomatoes” at them. The HG's then had to catch those “tomatoes” and drop them into a canister. The first to gather 10 total tomatoes became the first HOH. It came down to a battle between 4. Jace, Shelli, Audrey, and James all fell off within seconds of each other to end the game. To determine who won HOH, it came down to an instant replay between producers, who concluded James was the last to fall, crowning him as the first HOH of the summer.

    As houseguests gathered back in the living room, Julie announced yet another twist, titled “Big Brother Takeover”, and here's how it works. Each and every week, a new twist will be entered into the game. This is sure to stir things up, as special guests enter the house to announce these takeovers. However, that's not the end of the twists for this Big Brother premiere. Hidden from the HG's, Julie also announced a twins twist for us at home. For the first five weeks, somebody will be playing with their identical twin. Meaning they will swap roles frequently, playing together and disguising as one houseguest. If these twins survive for the first five weeks, they will then have the opportunity to enter the house as individual players. How will this shake the house in the weeks to come? Time will tell. 

    As always, expect the unexpected. Goodnight, fellow fans.

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